Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blur Traces


Those who served:
Malchyrntyne (Christian)
Berklesnort (Greg)
And featuring the triumphant return of Jiang (Josh)!

We lay in the grass on a hillside. The forest across the valley flickered with the flames of our downed helo, and smoke spiralled into the starry night. Our pilots could have been dead in the wreckage, or have fled like us, we didn't know.  An enemy helicopter prowled over the forest, searchlight sweeping the trees. Its loudspeaker blared that escape was futile, and that we should surrender.

We took stock. We each had our silenced rifles, but no NVGs or heavy weaponry. On the other side of a hill a campfire beckoned, and we made our way toward it.

Several OPFOR soldiers manned a small outpost between two buildings. They seemed to be well supplied- if we could take the outpost it could give us the goods to escape.  We bellied closer, counting off numbers and assigning targets. We were preparing to fire when their sentry spotted Greg. They both fired, and both went down.

I crawled to Greg and soon had him back on his feet, and we scrambled to take cover behind one of the buildings. I pressed the assault too soon, trying to use the other building to shield my approach, but was hit and respawned.

We switched tactics, flanking to the south. A couple of us laid down a base of fire from longer range while others (myself included) bellied in and threw grenades into the camp. Soon it was clear, and ours.

Once I had a sniper rifle with a nightstalker scope in my hands, I figured it was time to see what had happened to our pilots. The enemy helo had left, so we crept across the valley and into the forest. Our chopper had settled into a gulley, a few flames still flickering amid the wreckage. My scope showed the heat signatures of two OPFOR soldiers alongside it.

Christian arrived next to me in a rustle of leaves. He took the right soldier, I took the left, and they died in unison. I moved in to see the blue glow of a laptop. What information did it hold?

Suddenly shots rang out- it was a trap! I fell next to the laptop as tracers criscrossed through the trees. We eliminated the enemy force, I was patched up, and I could get a look at our prize. Some quick hacking and their recent files started to download.

It was grim news. Our pilots had been captured and were being held somewhere in the region of Thronos, the castle atop the highest peak on all of Altis.

We hiked out of the forest and across the fields until we were within sight of the castle. Two enemy snipers watched for us.

Once we'd found good firing positions Ivan, Christian and I lined them up and fired. I hit one but the other ducked out of sight. We waited for a counterattack to pour down from the castle, but it never came.

Christian and I moved up the road toward the castle, watching for movement and heat. Suddenly we were showered with explosives and shrapnel. An enemy armoured car had approached from the east along the road behind us, and caught us napping! Greg attempted to get to us but was also cut down. Ivan and Josh were forced to wait for it to pass before bringing us around.

Humbled, we approached the mountain. Thronos loomed in front of us.

I crept inside, Christian at my back. I dispatched one OPFOR trooper, and Christian engaged in a shootout with another as the armour came back and blanketed the rest of SPLAT with HE. Once it was gone I revived them, then we all cleared the castle. Just as Ivan dispatched the last of the castle defenders with a well-placed grenade the armoured car appeared and blew us all to hell!

Dusting ourselves off at the spawn point, we dejectedly walked to the supply dump and started gearing up again. That car was INSANE. I didn't know how it could-...

The sound of an engine interrupted my musing. No way. No @#$ WAY...

I spluttered a warning to my comrades, too late. Grenades showered onto the supply dump as our evil nemesis found us. I survived the initial barrage by diving behind a house, and was readying a rocket when it got me too.

Humiliated, we trudged back to the supply dump. The Hellcar had gone. I swore I heard cackling floating across the valley.

Having cleared the castle of Thronos, we deduced that our pilots must have been held somewhere in the town of Dreokastro. We hiked cross-country toward it, staying away from the roads.

The torches of patrols probed the rocks around the hilltop town. SPLAT hit them from long range while I successfully used the rocks to creep up and get into one of the buildings. I attempted to use this to cover the approach of my comrades, when I was suddenly machinegunned by... that accursed car.

We all inflicted heavy casualties at this point, but I lay in a doorway through it all, bleeding. My sense of helplessness was eased by the deep thump of an explosion as Ivan put a rocket into our armoured nemesis. The Hellcar was no more!

Once I was revived we pressed the attack house to house. I shot two guards at the chapel, burst inside and found our missing men!

We secured the surrounding area (with difficulty), then I selected a clear EP and called in our extraction chopper.

We all jumped into the helo, but one of the hostages paid no attention and started wandering over the hills looking for wildflowers, obviously in PTSD. What had those bastards in OPFOR done to the man during his captivity?

I got out of the chopper and with some coaxing got him to climb in, but then its pilot refused to take off. What on earth was going on?

I radioed for another chopper, and it soon arrived. however once Ivan climbed in the pilot took off and tried to kill him, hitting a tree and a building before coming down on a fence.

We tried again, but were met once more with refusal from the pilot. 

The terrible truth dawned on us. The enemy had intercepted our transmissions, and had sent their own chopper!

Ivan wreaked a terrible revenge for them trying to kill him, shooting the pilot at point blank range. I threw him out on the dusty road, climbed into the cockpit and we lifted off Altis. Angry bullets came our way as the valley dropped beneath us and we flew to freedom.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Clandestine Sunrise, take 3.

Those who served:

Malchyrntyne (Christian)
Caverick (second half)

Christian's POV:

I jumped in first and loaded up, taking my standard loadout that I then added a few essentials to, like some satchels and first aid.  I then started to wander towards the middle objective, which was the officer in the house.  Ivan joined in not too long after and we headed in.  I took an overwatch kind of role, where I’d hang back somewhat and scan the area with IR scopes, while Ivan was in the vanguard.  It worked incredibly well – I took out a number of roving targets, then when I came under fire from the beach, Ivan was able to flank around and take him out.  I then sniped the guards around the house and Ivan entered, going room to room and clearing the objective.

The fixed emplacement by the beach was next.  We approached cautiously, taking out a couple of targets in the compound from long range.  I began the approach to the objective but was taken down by one of the guards.  Ivan took him out, healed me up, then stood watch while I made my way into the compound.  I placed two satchels, retreated to Ivan’s position then set them off.  One lovely fireball later and the second objective was done!

Ivan and I then went overland to the ammo dump.  We settled on the same plan as previously – I worked my way further north, and Ivan attacked from the west.  There was a cluster of enemy around a vehicle, so Ivan took it and them out with a rocket.  That was my signal to open fire from my elevated position.  A few minutes later and all the targets were down.  We made our way into the compound and I took out the one remaining enemy that was hiding in a building.

This time there was no sudden explosion of the ammo dump, so Ivan and I rearmed.  At that point Cav joined back in and drove down to our position.  His arrival in the truck seemed to trigger something because that was when the ammo dump went up in a fireball!  Somehow Ivan and I were uninjured, despite being right where the dump was.  Perhaps a bug?  Who knows, but we were all alive, fully armed and ready to rock!
Caverick's POV:
By the time I could get in, Christian and Ivan had taken out the first three objectives! Working as a single buddy team, they'd dispatched the Tigris tank, stormed the villa (obtaining the location of the HVT), and took on the ammo dump. By the time I ran to a vehicle, drove past a patrol and reached them, they'd taken out the stragglers and the ammo dump was ours.

Now that we knew the lie of the land, I hopped on a quad bike and sped off to take out the high value target on my own while Christian and Ivan headed to the city to meet our contact. 

I travelled quietly to a hill overlooking the officer's outpost, identified him in infra red and dispatched him with a single shot. I then withdrew and vanished before they could repl y- a perfect in/out sniping job. 

Christian's POV:
I jumped on a quad bike and headed off, skirting around to the south of the city.  I had just taken up a position south of the church when all hell broke loose in points west – there was red everywhere on the map and Cav and Ivan were in the middle.  We figured that with nothing to lose I’d make a run for the church and our contact.  I avoided (just) the roaming infantry and shilka, got the intel and prepared to bug out.  My plan was to backtrack and even if I didn’t find the quad bike again to make my way independently to the final objective.  Somehow I got out unscathed, and only had to take out one guard who was blocking my escape route.

Caverick's POV:
I sped down to regroup with the others and ran SMACK into an entire ARMY approaching the city! An absolutely enormous amount of infantry, supported by armour, was making its way along a main road into the city. A few bullets peppered a wall around me as I leaped off my bike, ducked into a house and grabbed floor. I continued to play it like a sniper, remaining silent and holding my breath, and the army passed around me.

Ivan and Christian had become separated. Christian was now cut off by the army, so he bravely entered the city alone while I RVed with Ivan. We headed down to the power plant and took up positions. Christian, meanwhile, had met with the contact and pulled out to the southwest. We met at the power station.
Christian's POV:
I made it to the power plant just as Cav and Ivan were going in.  I stayed on the eastern side as I knew there were a couple of guards over that way and wanted to make sure to take them out.  A couple of .408 rounds later and the eastern side was clear.  I made my way into the plant just in time for the charges to go off and for our objective to be completed!

Caverick's POV:
I showed Ivan where Greg and I had successfully assaulted the position before, and we hit the reds hard. We then sped in and tried to finish the job- I hit the power transformers with a rocket but had no success, and was almost nailed by the same soldier as last time! As I took cover Ivan took him out from behind, then blew the place.

We then found that our EP was WAY to the south west, across some salt plains. It was a long drive, so I suggested we reenter the city and risk all of our progress to steal the enemy helicopter. SPLAT was up to the challenge- we took out a couple of sentries, I jumped in and gunned the engine, and bullets started to hit the chopper as Ivan climbed in. We clawed for height and flew triumphantly down the coast to our base and victory!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

War Stories 9/9/2014: Clandestine Sunrise

Those who served:

In the dim, early morning gloom our powerful insertion boat cut through the fog that lay thick on the water. Christian, Ivan, the AI and I climbed over the side at the north end of Pefkas Bay, in Altis' northeastern region (http://www.1er.rpima.free.fr/arma3_map.pdf), and made our way to the headland of Iraklia.

Our contact waited by a campfire. Christian took overwatch while I approached and talked with the man. He gave us three targets to the north (A Tigris AA tank, a house containing an officer with some intel, and an ammo cache), and provided us with a vehicle and an ammo crate.

While the others geared up I left them with the vehicle, took our AI comrades and jogged north to get eyes on. I spied the Tigris at the far end of a long beach,  dotted by enemy patrols. One of them saw me and a fight ensued. I dropped two but was flanked and had to charge the position I had just taken out, enabling me to take refuge in a house as bullets shattered the glass.

Christian and Ivan had fared no better, encountering two Ifrits on the road. One of them disabled their car, and Christian was hit.  We were divided, and vulnerable.

Suddenly the motorboat rounded the headland and began firing on the enemy. It was Dan!

Dan blanketed the enemy positions with explosives, and followed up with tracer for good measure.

Ivan, meanwhile, had healed Christian. SPLAT regrouped and Ivan was able to take out the Tigris with a missile shot. We moved toward the large house with the officer and Intel. I got a couple of Bori but when I moved in their machinegunner cut me down. I respawned back at the headland, jogged through the forest until I stumbled across a red car, drove it for a while until I hit a rock and busted the engine, then regrouped with the others.

The officer had been disposed of and the Intel was ours, so we moved for the ammo cache.  We took it slow and lined up good positions, Christian and I finding an excellent snipers nest to the north and allocated targets. Once we opened fire, however, the whole place exploded! None of us had launched any ordinance, the enemy appeared to have FUBARd.

We moved in and secured the position (I had to door-kick a house to take out a straggler), then topped up our gear and continued on bikes. HQ radioed in to tell us that a high value target (HVT) had been spotted nearby.

Christian and I reconnoitered the target and found a large cluster of the enemy at a bulbous installation overlooking Sofia. We again found a great firing position, figuring we could fire three shots each and then withdraw safely down the hill to relocate.

Dan and Ivan arrived in a truck, chasing down enemy quad bike riders:

Dan, Christian and I then lined up the enemy and showed great fire discipline, firing our three shots and then pulling back so nobody was cut down. However luck was again with us- one of us had taken out the HVT!

We then moved away from the installation:

And headed for our contact in the town of Sofia.

When we reached the city, however, all hell broke loose. There was an army in there, and they came out of the woodwork like ants. Dan proceeded on foot while I raced to link up with Christian. Once our buddy team was established we were able to cover each other in a VERY tense scramble through the city. Quite a few times we'd round a corner and stumble on an enemy, and once we cowered in a building while an Ifrit prowled past firing its heavy MG.

By running through backyards we were able to get to a church and our contact. He gave us our evac point and a target of opportunity along the way, a power station.

Dan and Ivan had fallen battling the army in the city (Dan had to go). There was no chance for a rescue, so Christian and I attempted to pull out to the south. We encountered no resistance threading through the streets, but once we started crossing open fields bullets started coming our way. 

We ran and ran as fast as we could,  but Christian was winged and could only walk. A few seconds later they winged me as well. We staggered to a little tin hut where I was able to use my last medpacks, then we approached the last objective, the power station.

We took our time and scoped it out, then picked a target, counted down and dropped him. I was then hit by a patrol we hadn't spotted. Christian was able to revive me but was winged again, and I was out of medpacks. Neither of us had any accuracy to speak of- our weapons were shaking all over the place.

Our only chance was to use a little hill to get close enough to have a fighting chance. Realising that we faced almost certain death, we approached the hill. Edging around it, Christian came under fire. I shouted to him to get back, but he said his only option was to go down firing- and he took the guy out!

There was now one other soldier on our side of the installation (behind the hill). I was shaking too much to hit him and down to my last three bullets, so I did the only other thing I could think of: crawl to the man Christian had just hit, to get a medikit from him. I painstakingly bellied across the grass... and reached the body!

It had no medikits.

I turned around, went to thermal, and saw the last soldier through the grass. I managed to put a 7.62mm into him, but he still turned and gunned me down.

Christian was taken out soon after, and the three of us respawned at the headland. We tried finding other vehicles or repairing them, but this was fruitless and the objectives were far too far away to run. We vowed to settle the score next week.