Those who served:
- Berklesnort
- Caverick
- Dan
- Ivan
- Malchrntyne
- Plancake
- Smoke
- ThirstDerivative
For the first time in months, SPLAT was at full strength. Back together and SOL, imprisoned in a small compound in an undisclosed part of Tanoa. Having two pistols smuggled to us, we busted out of our cage and attacked the guards.
I took the wheel, Osea jumped in as gunner and we hunted down some scattered hostiles.
Dan then took the gun for our assault on the enemy's radio tower emplacement. We took it, but at heavy cost.
While the others engaged some hostiles coming from a nearby building, I began to hack the transmitter.
Success! Our boys knew of our plight and were sending an extraction, we just had to get to it. Unfortunately it was a long way away on another island!
Smoke launched AA at a hovering helo, but the pilot was on point and flared him away 3 times before beating a retreat.
Richard led us toward the coast and the hope of some boats, but just after entering this town we became bogged down with heavy fighting, and we only found a single two-man water scooter.
As the others held off the enemy forces, Richard and I sped along the coast looking for more boats.
We tried several places, to no avail.
The others found a seaworthy boat big enough for the team... at the town we'd just left! Richard and I came in hot, but the others became pinned down. I climbed a ladder and took down three hostiles but as SPLAT boarded the boat to freedom we were hit.
Ivan tried to revive me underwater, which worked, but he became stuck. While we tried to figure it out we became overrun.
Dan withdrew in the boat and successfully revived its occupants in shallow water, but soon afterward they were hit with a grenade.
Richard was left to go on alone. He rounded the northwestern edge of Tanoa and sped toward the EP, but was spotted by a patrol boat. He took evasive action but was hit with its opening burst and sank with our hopes.
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