Monday, September 23, 2013

18th Oct 2011: Castillo/Insurgent Airfield


Christian, Richard and I arrived at the castle and sprang into action. Richard took the APC and blocked the northern east gate (we found that he had to drive inside to do it), I took a hummer and blocked the southern east gate. When I got out I was outside the castle and the commies were closing fast, so I ran north.

Initially I planned to snuggle into some leaves and try to take down some infantry, but a few bullets chased me into the trees and I kept going, down a steep slope and across a quiet field. I found myself on the outskirts of Krasnostav, a large town to the northeast. I was now some way off from the fighting, and had an idea to run to the airfield and rain some death from above. After running for a while I discovered that it's just too far on foot and the town had no vehicles. I had to kill myself to get back into the action.

I grabbed a stinger, ran to the battlements and was hosed down by a tank. Then I grabbed a stinger, ran to the battlements and fell off. Then Richard reported an enemy soldier inside the barricade, so I found and killed him. The enemy soldier, that is. I then found the crack in the wall and shot a couple of soldiers before they shot me. On my next spawn I selected a grenade launcher to toss a few over the wall, but when I reached the wall there was another enemy soldier inside (at the same spot, beneath the tallest tower). I clumsily tried to get him with the launcher but he shot me, and when I came back we were overrun.


By this time we had Christian, Richard, Greg, Dan (joining us for his first game) and I. I got a group photo as we geared up:

We set off. Christian and I, sniper rifles in hand, went straight for the objective with some AI while the others flanked to the south:

I could see a pickup with 50 cal on the map that was very close to the others, but they couldn't see it. Christian and I took up position at the foot of the hill:

The sniper wasn't on the tower, it was strange. Our southern force advanced so we moved up too, but we were all torn to pieces. Dang, that hill is hard.

On our second assault, Dan headed around to the north on his own while the rest of us followed Richard even further to the south. We reasoned that we could see them more easily on the gentler south-western slope. The sniper was back and got Dan early on, and with nobody to revive him he had an excruciating wait as the rest of us assaulted the hill. I don't know who fired first, but when everything went to hell I shot the sniper off the tower. I tried to fight the others but couldn't see any of them. Our guys were being hit left and right. I dragged one to safety and revived him, then used the map to throw a grenade toward an enemy and take him out (the map also said the 50 cal pickup was on the hill!). I dragged another of our guys under a tree and had started to heal him when two of the enemy shot me at short range.

We are GOING to take that hill.

Mission: CASTILLO, reprise.

This time I took a hummer and made a run for the airbase. I followed the route I'd travelled on foot earlier, reasoning that it would be clear. I'd just reached Krasnostav when I was blown apart by a shell or something. I then did my usual flailing around the castle with no clear plan or coordination until we were overrun.

When we restarted, I drove south following a route I've taken a few times. I almost always make it through the cordon, but this time proved to be an "almost". Long range shots from a BMP went through my engine, and it idled to a stop. Knowing from experience what was coming next, I jumped out and ran like hell for a tree, diving under it as the hummer exploded.
Again, I was too far away to make it to the airfield on foot, and the castle was surrounded by enemies, so I looked at the map and saw that I could come pretty close to one of the three enemy bases by staying among the trees. I worked my way through the forest, hearing Richard taking out tanks from the tower.

Soon the base was in sight:

I slowly bellied out to it and was treated to the awesome sight of Dan soaring over the trees in a tank! Unfortunately he was launched the hard way.

Soon I reached the base:

It mainly consisted of two trucks- one supporting the radar and one powering it. I wriggled in and placed a satchel charge under each, then bellied back across the field toward the forest. I pressed the button but was too close, and went up in the blast.

When I appeared back in the castle it was overrun again, and kept dying without even getting to see where I was.

Everyone was annoyed at this point, it was time to try something new. I tried one called "we were soldiers", but it took so long to load on everyone's pc I thought it had crashed and cancelled it. I then found that I hadn't downloaded any of the other cool missions I've put in the yahoo group database. I tried the mission wizard but that was mostly deathmatch, and somehow I ended up cancelling the server and kicking everyone out.

Everyone seemed to have left at that point except Greg, so I loaded up the little 2 player mission I had called Energy War.


One of the players starts with a Stinger. Good thing too, because there's an enemy chopper inbound and you have to get your act together. I managed to bring it down:

Greg and I then climbed into an APC. I drove, he took the guns. The mission was to take out some officers at the very same castle used in Castillo, but with very different fortifications. We drove in and gave 'em hell:

We took out pretty much all of them. I got overconfident and tried to pop out and use the gun on the top. They shot me before I could even gain control. Greg then switched seats and tried to finish off the stragglers but I had to go, so I left the server on while I did stuff around the house. When we came back it looked like we won, but I couldn't tell.

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