Wednesday, September 25, 2013

23rd Oct 2012: Heroes of Chenarus


Those who served:

Plancake (Richard)
Cav (Caverick)
Malchyrntyne (Christian)
Berklesnort (Greg)
Danny Boy (Dan)
Smoke (Aaron)


I stood on the grass of the Insurgent Airfield with my squadmates. After fighting over this ground for so long, it was good to be home.

I grabbed an M4A1 RCO GL (assault rifle with scope and grenade launcher) from the crate. While SPLAT geared up, I took the repair truck and drove it toward the first objective, an AA nest on a forested hill to the south. Parking the truck in a clearing some 200m from the objective, I circled to the south for a recon and got eyes on.

Two Tunguska AA tanks were backed by a small encampment with a UAZ, a static MG and several troops. I reported to the squad, and Plancake suggested a fire mission. As I was calling it in, a commie ran over the hill and drew a bead on me! I struggled with menus while bringing my weapon up, and we shot each other. He fell, I didn't. Then the artillery pounded their position.

The rest of SPLAT arrived. We put a couple of rockets into a Tunguska, but it was still intact. I put a couple of rifle grenades into it but was shot and fell. When I was revived (by Plancake?), the battle was on. SPLAT's experience really came through here. While Berklesnort, Plancake and I attacked from the east, Malchyrntyne and Danny formed a buddy team and flanked to the south, both racking up a lead in the kills. We were hit a couple of times, but once Dan took the guns of our AAV APC we secured the hill.

We'd run out of ordinance and still hadn't blown up a Tunguska, so Dan and I ran back to the HMMV which was parked next to the repair truck. We intended to go back to the base to get some rockets, but as we did so the others moved west and came under fire from a roadblock. Richard and Greg were hit, leaving Christian facing a significant force on his own.

Changing plans, Dan and I jumped in the HMMV and sped to the rescue. I stopped atop the hill to switch to the AAV, and floored it down the hill as their revive time ticked away. Swinging the armour in front of the bodies, I shielded them while Christian revived. As we were doing so, Dan pressed the attack in the HMMV but was hit by a Metis launcher. We called in artillery on it, then Richard drove the AAV, I got on the turret, and we drove down to the roadblock.

A chaotic battle ensued. the AAV was hit with an RPG as I started to open fire, but we wiped out several soldiers including a flanking attempt. Richard and I jumped out to revive, then came under fire from soldiers to the north who had come from Krasnostav. We dealt with them, but were too late to revive one of us (Dan?). While they re-entered we swept the area, then suddenly...


We all appeared back at the airfield again! Due to a glitch in the mission, all personnel were withdrawn to the airfield when someone entered (or re-entered) the game.

Dan hefted some satchels, Christian got an MG, and Richard took off with them (and Greg?) in the Venom. I ran to get a vehicle. I found a pickup, drove into Krasnostav and swapped it for a large Ural truck, then headed for the roadblock.

Dan parachuted down to the repair truck, drove it to the top of the hill and satcheled the Tunguska. First objective complete!

I neared the roadblock and gaped- the enemy had retaken it! Bullets plinked through my truck as I swung it around and fled back to Tunguska. They'd also fired at Richard, who landed next to my truck. We all crept south and started to engage the enemy.

Suddenly a Vodnik APC screamed up and screeched to a halt on the road. As troops began to spring out SPLAT laid down a heavy stream of fire. We took out both gunners and the entire contingent of troops! I tried to hit the driver but he panicked and fled back up the road. We then found that when the commies had retaken the roadblock, they'd blown up our AAV!

I went back for the Ural, only to find that an enemy soldier had infiltrated Krasnostav! I searched the streets where he'd been spotted but was unable to find him. Seeing a much better yellow truck, I decided to give up my search for the soldier and rejoin my squad. I climbed into the truck, started the engine, and gaped at the enemy solder standing in front of the truck! I floored it and rolled over him into a dead end, then jumped out to make sure. He'd survived the truck just fine. The 7.62mm I put into him, not so much.

By the time I rejoined the others they'd proceeded south toward the next objective- to rescue some hostages. As I joined them they (and my truck) came under fire, so I swerved into the forest and doubled back. Greg had been hit, so I swung the truck in front of him and Richard revived. I got out and SPLAT engaged and defeated the enemy force (I got two).

We proceeded cross-country to the small town where the hostages were. Greg and I recced, saw an enemy encampment and engaged. We'd kicked a hornets nest! We shot a couple but Greg was hit. Christian arrived and covered while I revived Greg, then I was winged. To make matters worse, a Hind gunship droned overhead looking for us. The enemy began to flank to the north and south. It wasn't looking good.

The tide of battle suddenly turned. The others arrived in the nick of time, attacking from the north. I called in our close support air Apache, which pounded the enemy position. Reinforcements also arrived, with a notification that Smoke was joining us..


We were all back at the airfield. We actually schlooped twice, as Richard had to restart.

I ran into Krasnostav and retrieved the Huey Venom, floating it back to the airfield. Once SPLAT was all aboard we headed back toward the hostages. Dan, in a skydiving mood this mission, wanted to jump down to the repair truck, so I clawed him some height. He jumped and I headed us for the hostage village. We were peppered with MG fire, so I took us out west and looked for a good angle of attack. We were hit again, so I circled to the south.

Dan offered a repair, which sounded timely. I swept down to the site of one of our earlier fights, and as Dan pulled the truck alongside I heard an engine. A Vodnik roared down the road! I leaped from the chopper and sighted through my scope. It wasn't just any Vodnik, it was the gunnerless one that had fled earlier!

I gave chase on foot, running him down and putting several shots into the window. As my squadmates joined me the armoured glass gave way, I capped the driver and SPLAT jumped in. We now had an armoured vehicle again, with two guns!

I ran back to the bird. "That's how we do it, gentlemen", I said, feeling cocky.

I then heard a strange noise. What on earth was that? I looked to the north, to see fire fountaining out of the forest. More fire boomed, closer this time. A gigantic tsunami of flame and destruction swept down the hill, towering over me. It was a terrifying sight.

I tried to run, making it only two or so steps before the enemy artillery shells found me.


They say when your body is subjected to enough suffering, lucidity drifts away and you find yourself in a dreamlike state. This was found to be true. I found myself stranded on an island far to the south, alone with one of my oldest friends.

There we were, far from civilisation and the horrors of war, in an idyllic setting. I looked into Berklesnort's eyes, he looked into mine, and we both felt spontaneous, identical thoughts. No more waiting. There was only one thing to do.

Sod this crap. I shot him five times in the face and chest, then stood on a grenade.


I coughed weakly and opened my eyes. Aaron had inserted SPLAT into the hostage village, then came back for us. I lay on the ground amid the smoking ruin of the chopper and the repair truck:

Greg and I took the guns of the Vodnik, and Aaron drove us toward the village:

Plancake had eliminated the last guard, liberated the hostages and told them to head for us. We pulled up, the hostages got in, and Aaron drove them back to the airfield in style:

Second objective complete!

We then geared up with Stingers to take on the Hinds to the west. Christian had dropped out, so we left a Ural truck at the airfield and all went west in the Vodnik. We stopped near an enemy checkpoint, and were considering engaging it when...


We were back at the airfield. We jumped in the truck with Christian, and all drove back to the Vodnik. We bypassed the checkpoint, skirting around it to the north, and cautiously approached the town of Gvozdno. We moved from house to house, but saw nothing.

The sound of rotors drew our attention. A Hind appeared above the treetops and SPLAT let it know who was boss with two stingers in short order. It came down fairly intact near the village, and I ran to get the crew. There was a hammering burst of static gun fire, and I was cut down. There was a base there!

I was revived and ran to help. Dan was taken out about then. They were making mincemeat of us. Even our trusty Vodnik was hit with enough fire that it exploded. Richard tried to reach Aaron and was also cut down. I managed to shoot two officers drawing a bead on me, then tried to reach Richard and was also cut down. Because I died next to a wall Greg was able to get to me, but for the others it was too late. Those that fell valiantly decided to stay down rather than schloop us all back to the airfield. Richard stayed to watch, but it was late and the others had to go.

I stepped out to have another go at the static defense, and was very lucky. He was up in a little tower, and I'd been looking along the ground, but he was facing the other way and I got him. Greg and I then attacked the remaining troops (during which I accidentally got Greg with a bit of shrapnel). We shot two and the other fled to the south.

Investigating the base, I found a Strela that I launched into the damaged Hind. It was still standing! Fortunately Greg found some satchels and we blew up the choppers:

Third objective complete- we could now finish the mission!

Unfortunately it was a long way back, with troops from the checkpoint in between. Unless...


Plancake came back in, transporting us back to base. We posed with the CO:

Then reported to him and received a thorough debriefing. We humbly accepted his praise on behalf of SPLAT:

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