Monday, September 23, 2013

25th Oct 2011: Insurgent Airfield


We geared up and proceeded about 20 degrees to the left of the radio tower, halting at the treeline before the road. One patrol was halfway up the hill to the right, and a couple more men were on the left. SPLAT took them down, then we moved up to the next group of trees and made it a fair way toward the airfield before being whittled down to screaming, foul-mouthed sunbakers.

I thought the second assault would be over before it began. While people geared up, I took the AI and Christian (packing an MG) up to the road to see if the large patrol was running along it (as I had seen previously). We took position but the insurgents (we need a shorter word for them) didn't eventuate. We followed the tree line to the west and came under fire from a large force, possibly the same guys I was looking for. They were right on top of us, we were taking casualties and our other members were still on the way. Thinking I was about to die I unloaded four rifle grenades and both my frags. Checking the map I saw that an insurgent was only a few metres away! I switched back from the map and clumsily started to fire at the man running toward me when he was cut down by Christian, shooting from the hip.

The rest of SPLAT arrived and hit them hard. As we took out the western force another group gave us fire from the hill, hitting Greg and Plancake. One rifleman in particular really seemed to have our range. I directed the AI to target him, then I was hit. Fortunately the AI revived Greg who then came to my aid. We returned fire, Plancake bravely running into the open to take out the last one.

We moved to the next group of trees. Dan and Plancake headed for Olsha to see if the truck was there. They found a car, but it needed more coal so they abandoned it.

Meanwhile the rest of us moved to the west toward the airfield:

I tried to hit the sniper on the control tower but couldn't. The others moved up to have a go, and an enemy pickup with 50 cal came up the road almost on top of us. I directed the AI to shoot at it, I believe it was they who got the driver and gunner. Plancake then jumped behind the wheel and Dan took the gun:

The sniper had been taken out by this time (not sure who did it), so they roared toward the hangars spitting fire. The rest of us moved with them but Dan was killed, I was hit and Plancake escaped the swiss-cheese pickup by the skin of his teeth. We fell back and Plancake revived me.

By this time Gavin had moved up the hill on his own. I warned him against heading for the tower (Dan later said there were eight or so insurgents and a pickup there), so he found a good spot overlooking the airfield. Plancake joined him and the two snipers started thinning the herd.

The rest of SPLAT joined in, and we inflicted enough damage that the insurgents called for reinforcements from the town. I thought the announcement meant that the radio tower might now be clear, so I edged up to have a look, Christian watching my back.

The map said there were at least three still left. I spotted the pickup and killed the gunner, but the driver gunned the engine and started off down the hill. Christian and I were moving to intercept when someone at the base of the radio tower (hidden in some brown bushes) killed us both.

At this point the reinforcement CONVOY arrived. I watched Plancake fight to the end, then we tried another mission.


Plancake left, and we were surprised by the appearance of Glenrock! We found ourselves at the eastern edge of the big city of Chernogorsk:

The objectives were a little sketchy, it looked like a sweep and clear operation. We ran across a wide open field and took cover behind walls and pipes as we came under fire. Dan was caught in the open and killed by the insurgents. I couldn't even see them, but Christian and Glenrock took out a few. Christian then climbed to the roof of a building and was killed, I tried to retrieve him and was also killed. Everyone else was dead by this time, so we tried another mission. I know we'll do much better next time we try this one.

Dan took the wheel of an LAV, Greg took the guns, Christian hopped on a motorbike and I jumped on the back. We set off to scour black mountain for a missing pilot:

Christian and I had a merry old time riding through the forest, but didn't see a thing. Greg and Dan ran into 8 guys and an APC, and Greg took them all out. We ran into technical difficulties somewhere along the line, and had to restart. Christian had to go.

I followed the same pattern, riding around the hills on the bike. Dan and Greg somehow got their LAV stuck in Krasnostav surrounded by insurgents. When the one with (as Greg put it) a can opener came along, they were killed and respawned.

I arrived at the town a few minutes later, having hit too many trees and my bike dropped below walking pace. I shot two insurgents, then was wounded and dragged myself behind a tree. Greg and Dan came to the rescue:

...but we were all somehow killed a few minutes later, and Dan had to go.


I asked Greg if he wanted a quick spin at pilot/gunner training, and we ran a scenario I whipped up with the editor. I flew an Apache with Greg on the guns, and we had a great time completely failing to hit anything. The AI had no such problem:

We eventually figured out that you need to switch to hellfires (w) then target the tanks with (tab). The best moment was when I was watching the chopper in third person view only to see Greg get his keys mixed up and throw himself out of the chopper on a parachute! I ran the chopper into the trees I was laughing so hard.

But eventually we got it figured out and took out the tanks:

I then eased the Apache into Devil's Castle and landed for a photo to finish the evening:

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