Monday, September 23, 2013

29th Nov 2011: Insurgent Airfield


The Mi-8 lifted from hamburger hill, all of SPLAT aboard:

I reconned the airfield and immediately spotted a squad of eight among the hangars. I floated the chopper carefully around the large buildings while Greg and Dan let rip with the guns, and in short order Ivan was wiped out.

The hunt was on. We spotted one or two scattered insurgents running across fields, and they were easily dealt with. Time to start gathering what resources we could find for the coming battle. A blue car sat motionless on the road south of the airfield, so I set Plancake down next to it and flew off. Richard approached the vehicle, saw that a civilian was inside, and kept the rules of engagement:

Captain Grumpy entered the war zone (at the LZ?), and stole through the forest to RV with the squad.

The pickup was still parked at a telephone pole. It spat lead at us on approach, so I dropped behind it and Dan sprang out. A couple of shots later he was at the wheel and heading off:

Just then two squads of insurgents were spotted to the east. As I followed the road to find them they took cover in the trees. There was nowhere for me to drop down low, but Greg and Christian were up to the task:

One squad was completely wiped out, the other fled northwest into the forest. They were heading for Richard and Craig!

We tried to give air support but Ivan was difficult to spot. Richard and Craig, in the open, engaged the enemy among the trees. Craig distinguished himself during the battle, scoring his first two kills. Dan roared up in the pickup, climbed up to the MG and raked the forest with fire, and the three of them took Ivan down.

I spotted another insurgent running toward the airfield. He tried to find cover around a burned out truck, but Greg hosed him with lead. The airfield and its surrounds were finally secure! I landed and we talked over plans:

I explained the barricade plan, and we began to collect vehicles. Dan drove the pickup up to the airfield. I dropped Richard over near Krasnostav where he collected the coyota:

I then flew over the town. A bevy of vehicles lay there for our taking, including a rusted, grass-filled bomb that Greg half-pushed to the airfield, and a large Ural truck that could hold all of us! Christian liberated that for democracy. I also found a pristine white 4WD that became Craig's first driving lesson. He stepped up to it and immediately put a bullet through the window, but was able to learn the controls and made it back to the airfield.

Richard, meanwhile, had found his su25 where he left it:

He somehow got it out of the trees and back up to the airfield:

Where we assembled our spoils. It was quite a sight:

I saved the game.

I then took Christian to go recon the EP in case it was patrolled, while the rest of the squad built the barricade:

Christian and I found another squad of insurgents patrolling the area near the EP. Again, trees made it difficult to engage. While I manouvered for a better angle, Christian went to switch seats and fell out!. I found the nearest safe landing zone and went to assist, but my PC crashed.

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